Diagnosis of ADHD in Seniors Sixty Years of Age
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder most commonly known as ADHD has no age limit and the fact that it is present in individuals who are over fifty years of age to sixty preempts certain types of dilemmas that could affect daily living and therefore must be addressed. Although ADHD is more acceptable in children, more adults over sixty years of age are recently being diagnosed with this mental and emotional condition. It’s either the statistics of adults ages sixty having ADHD have increased for various reasons or medical science and technology have improved throughout the years. Regardless, our aim is to help individuals maintain, control, and treat this behavioral disorder.
Medical Physicians, Psychiatrists, and Psychologists have discussed and mentioned that diagnosis of ADHD in people over fifty is more difficult. The rationale is that if the person wasn’t diagnosed at an earlier age, then he can remain undiagnosed as an adult. One thorough research made by an authority in the medical field, WebMD as authored by Sreenivas S. and MD Patahk N. (2021) elucidated that “Seniors who were undiagnosed when young for symptoms of ADHD have created coping methods and processes that are hidden under the terms hypersensitivity and inattentiveness.”
Hence, to have a person at sixty years of age diagnosed with ADHD would be complicated and at times impossible since Medical Physicians would mostly rule out ADHD and indicate either dementia or else stroke as a cause for the disorientation, confusion, and agitation. Based on accurate research by WebMD, a leading medical research platform, that Doctors do not learn to assess for a possible diagnosis of ADHD in people who are at this age. There are still a few research materials in terms of the process of medical diagnosis of ADHD on people 60 years of age but there is progress and medical researchers have been focusing on this area of expertise.
As we delve further into this topic, how is ADHD acquired? Do people with this disorder get it at childbirth or during growing up years? Several authors have given their thoughts and research results on this sensitive topic. This cannot be set aside because ADHD could affect the lives of people and hinder progress. It can be a stumbling block that causes division within family members and friends if they are not educated enough to know the reasons and causes of ADHD. Moreover, the people closest to individuals with ADHD must also be aware as to the different kinds of treatment or maintenance available to help people with their struggles against ADHD.
ADHD is GENETIC in Origin
The question as to how people are suddenly diagnosed by medical experts with ADHD could be both frustrating and confusing especially if it is one of our family members who happen to have this disorder. The question ‘How can we handle and overcome this?’ immediately enters our mind followed by questions such as ‘What is needed to help control the ADHD and what are the treatments?’
First, we will study more details and gather as much information needed as to how this is transferred from one family generation to another or is it acquired later on in life as a result of the wrong food diet or tragic experiences one goes through or do we get ADHD by the stresses and environmental factors around us. One authority in the field of medicine and health stated that “the specific cause of ADHD is not a hundred percent accurate but is thought of and researched by medical experts as a combination of numerous factors deemed responsible for its acquisition.”
ADHD is oftentimes considered hereditary and is passed on to your family line whereas, a person is most likely to get the disorder if a loved one has ADHD. Adults only recognize that they are experiencing ADHD symptoms when their family member such as a grandchild has been diagnosed with ADHD. Studies show that ADHD symptoms don’t die nor fade but rather become worst in the absence of medications.
This could happen if a person has bad medical conditions, changes in the brain systems that are age-related, and have lost mind and mental activities upon retiring. Whilst, some research indicates an imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain functions and said chemicals aren’t working normally.
Misnomers on the Causes of ADHD
Some people think that diet or even bad parenting causes ADHD but this is not the truth. According to WebMD (2021) that a series of assessments and research completed did not conclude that eating sugar that is way beyond the accepted measurement for the human body leads to ADHD. Furthermore, the presumption that watching too much television programs also increases the chances of getting ADHD is hearsay only. In addition, ADHD is also not due to bad parenting strategies but a kid already having ADHD could worsen if the parents neglect the medication and treatment of the child. Such is the case as well in terms of diet programs. A bad diet is not a medical nor scientific cause to conclude that a person acquires ADHD. Although the brain needs healthy food to function properly coupled with regular exercises, no medical physician could conclude that ADHD came from bad food choices or intake. Lastly, playing video games is also not a cause for ADHD. Kids and adults already diagnosed with ADHD may find themselves attracted to fast-paced games online and might spend more time playing rather than on learning and education. Thus, video games being played by ADHD-diagnosed kids and adults must be limited so that time spent too much on video games would be disciplined and controlled. Addiction to video games will cause other complications other than ADHD most especially if the adult or kid is not eating, sleeping, or resting on time. It will definitely affect the health of the individual.
Some people disregard ADHD and the effects it has on the brain functions of a child. People usually say that this is something that must not be given attention nor time because it’s actually just the kid being rebellious and disobedient. Sadly, this kind of perception leads the ADHD diagnosed child or adult closer to emotional and mental damages, possible future injuries, and life in depression. NHS (2021) elaborated those medical studies have been made concerning the differences between people with ADHD and those with none. Brain and CT scans were made which showed that a person with ADHD has some smaller brain areas while other areas are bigger in size. Moreover, studies of the brain cells also indicate that people with ADHD have an imbalance of the brain neurotransmitters and these brain chemicals are not functioning the way they are supposed to.
A review on the definition of ADHD indicates an attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder which is the most common mental and emotional disorder in children. It also affects numerous adults. It involves symptoms such as a lack of focus on a particular activity or chore that has to be done on a daily basis. Excess moving also becomes a problem and uncontrollable impulse wherein a person with ADHD acts hastily without considering his actions. Over 8.4 % of the children and about 2.5% is assessed, calculated, and researched to be having ADHD.
How to Recognize ADHD in Grandchildren
At an early stage, children show signs and symptoms of the mental disorder ADHD. We will often see them causing disruption in classes or whenever there is a meeting or group activity inside the classroom or in the family home. Kids with ADHD find it hard to sit down and focus on the lessons being taught to them. Furthermore, their locomotive skills are at an all-time high which means to say that the adults find it hard taming them or making them behave in one corner. People who are uneducated on ADHD or do not have knowledge of this disorder do not understand nor have a full grasp of how to help these kids.
These kids are sent to the Principal’s office and stigmatized as rebellious and disobedient. They are called names by both teachers, parents, and classmates. Names that they bring with them until they get old not unless rectified at an earlier age. They become the focal point of bullies and are harassed at times.
They are bullied, physically and emotionally into submission. After many years they are now destroyed and lack self-confidence thinking that they are worthless, useless and shame in their families, schools, and communities.
Sadly, lack of knowledge about ADHD, its symptoms and treatment are leading factors that led a kid or adult with ADHD to drown in anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. Hence, instead of solving ADHD and treating it, it worsens and is now accompanied by other mental and emotional disorders. What happens now when ADHD is combined with other neuro disorders?
The kids or adults now become dysfunctional and unable to perform their daily responsibilities even the simplest home activity as washing the dishes or finishing homework becomes too difficult to perform and accomplish. They find it hard to cope up with the day-to-day activities. They then turn to various forms of addictions to alleviate the pain and suffering.
Testimonies based on thorough research by a leading online family magazine, the ADDitude Mag listed several accounts on families acquiring the mental disorder ADHD. One account stated that “his dad had ADD which was undiagnosed and the symptoms became visible when he started to build a house remodeling project that he could not finish. Then he started again in building a shed which he also never made into completion. Third, he felt enthusiastic about opening a ranch but did not finish that either and started selling the livestock. It was the brother of Erin who was assessed to have autistic ADHD but is more functional than the father and Erin, the lady who gave this testimony. Erin was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 33 and only learned more about the disorder upon the diagnosis” (ADDitude Editors, 2021).
There is a huge difference in the lives of people diagnosed at an early stage. People who undergo treatment as soon as possible for ADHD are more functional and able to control their ADHD. However, there are numerous individuals who still make it in life even in the absence of a medical diagnosis. The only disparity between those diagnosed and not is that the former are able to learn more about their medical, mental and emotional situation and are given advice, medicine, and treatment to handle the ADHD.
A great way to immediately be able to diagnose the symptoms in a child as early as four years of age is to be observant and vigilant. Studying, assessing, and observing your children will make a huge difference in their lives most especially if you would request medical help upon noticing the hyperactivity of your kid as compared to other kids. If they are causing disruption in a family or school setting then maybe it is high time to go to the clinic for a check. Remember that making a self-diagnosis is dangerous and experimenting on the treatment and medicines in the absence of a medical professional’s advice could cause a deeper problem.
Ignoring the signs and symptoms of ADHD at an early age is critical and could affect the growth, progress, and development of a child. Our aim is to help parents and children determine the symptoms and what to do next upon discovery and theories that your child might have ADHD. The most immediate and helpful response is to seek the help of a physician well-versed in this subject matter. Do not just go to any Doctor but also be wary that you go directly to a specialist.
You can go out-of-the-box by researching outside of your doctor’s advice and suggestions but before trying any new medicine or treatment on your child, check with your medical physicians first. Similarly, this same strategy goes for adults and grandparents despite the late diagnosis, there is still time to enjoy life by controlling and coping up with ADHD. Having ADHD could be beneficial if the individual learns how to control, cope and use the same to his advantage. Most ADHD-diagnosed individuals are also creative, work brilliantly like a normal person, and mostly succeed in life. There is just a greater edge if a person is aware of his ADHD, knows how to manage it, and teaches others to do the same.
Sreenivas S., Pathak. N.(2021). “ADHD in Older Adults”. Web. https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/adhd-older-adults
Bhargava H.D., WebMD (2021). “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Causes of ADHD”. Web. https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/adhd-causes
NHS (2021). “Causes-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)”. Web https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/causes/
ADDitude Editors (2021). “WHAT CAUSES ADHD? “Let Me Tell You How ADHD Runs in My Family”. Web https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-in-the-family-stories/